Shokz Headphones

My Story:
Listening to music is something I never enjoyed, until recently. I felt like I never had the opportunity to enjoy music like everyone else. I not only struggled to hear the words that were being sang, but I also didn’t have the ability to wear headphones. The only time I heard music was out loud through a speaker or the radio, but even then, I felt like I wasn’t enjoying it. Growing up during the time where technology took off, I realized my friends were getting the newest CD player, iPod and Air Pods but I didn’t have the ability use those devices. As an adult, I would always play music on my Bluetooth speaker while working out or opted to go without music. Or, as my dad would say, listen to the sound of silence. But as you can imagine, that gets boring really quickly. My husband did some research and found the newest Shokz headphones that sit on your ear drum. He was so excited that he found something that could help me finally listen to music that we went quickly went to the nearest store to try them out! I was in complete awe when I put these headphones on. Not only could I hear music, but my hearing aids were still functioning as usual so I could hear everything else around me as well. These headphones are Bluetooth and perfect for working out. I’ve never felt more comfortable taking a walk and listening to music, but I can truly hear everything. It is such a wonderful feeling!

Here’s a Little Help:
If you are someone who likes music and struggle to find headphones that work for you, I highly recommend trying out Shokz. These headphones are water resistant, tight around the back of your head and fit comfortably on your ear drum. They truly have made the difference for me, and I feel confident they would do the same for you! When comparing the price to an Apple product, they are pretty reasonable when you weigh out the benefits. In my opinion, it’s a purchase that is definitely worth it. If it helped me, maybe it will help you!

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