1 Year of Hearing Impaired Gal

I’ve always been told that life moves quicker the older you get, and I recently found this to be true. Usually, I sit down and think of the various topics I could write about and how I can share my experiences with you. Then, I realized, today marks one year of Hearing Impaired Gal and I almost let the day pass by without reflecting on the previous year. When I began this blog, I wanted to share my experiences and spread awareness. I set the goal to help just one person and I realized that I’ve done more than that. Not only have I answered questions, but I’ve also offered advice or navigated opportunities for others to find the resources they need. Most importantly, I’ve learned more about myself. I enjoy telling stories and sharing my unique upbringing. Writing has become a relaxing outlet for me and I am able to put my thoughts into words, which is something I never thought I’d be able to do. I am so proud of how far I’ve come, and I am overjoyed you’ve chosen to come along on my journey. I find peace in remembering my childhood and all the wonderful things my parents did for me. I also feel elated to be surrounded by so many people who support and love me. You are the reason I continue to write every day. To my husband, parents, family members and friends, thank you for being a part of my story and allowing me to share a piece of you in my blog posts. I would not be where I am at today without any of you. To my blog friends, thank you for being on this journey with me. Your support and words of encouragement are all I need to continue writing and sharing my experiences. Here’s to another year of looking forward and being a voice for those who may not have the confidence to share their journey. I look forward to telling more stories, revealing more difficult experiences, finding more resources for the hard of hearing community and supporting one another! 

Remember a new blog post will always be posted on the first of each month and I hope you continue to stick around!    

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