Hearing Aid Batteries

My Story:
Most hearing aids are just like any other device where batteries are needed for functionality, but many people don’t know that hearing aid batteries need to be replaced often. My particular aids require me to change the batteries once a week. So, as you can imagine, I carry extra batteries with me everywhere I go. Luckily, the battery packages are a small enough to fit in a pocket, wallet or purse. However, hearing aid batteries are not the cheapest things to find. Just like anything else, batteries are purchased whenever they are needed but these types of batteries are different. Hearing aid batteries come in many sizes, but they are all round in shape. They are often found at a typical grocery store, but the struggle is finding the size you need for a decent price. Over the years I would reach out to my audiologist for batteries but realized that I needed way more than what was being offered. I began to order my them on Amazon but found that I can actually get batteries for a better price at Costco. With the amount of times I change my batteries, I found that I need to purchase a larger quantity at once. I remember many situations where I was out in public or with friends without extra batteries available. This would cause me to become worried and nervous. Hearing aids will essentially time out after the batteries go dead. My aids give me a five-minute warning by beeping in my ear to alert that the batteries are low. It’s actually a really cool feature! If I am someplace where I can quickly change them, I will immediately do so. Though, I have been in situations where I must wait hours in order to change the batteries and I go that time without hearing. Hearing aids require batteries, ear wax filters, portable cases, etc. in order to live life everyday as a “normal” person. I wish there were more resources out there to help with the necessities, and maybe one day our society will offer more for the community.

Here's a Little Help:
If you are like me where you like to be over prepared and ready for any situation, I highly recommend carrying extra hearing aid batteries, and any other necessity, with you. If you chose to purchase batteries from Amazon, I suggest checking the expiration date because that was a major issue for me. I would order a pack of batteries and realize they were expired upon arrival. Hearing aids are just like any device where batteries or charging may be needed, depending on the type of technology. I would suggest doing researching on what your device requires and where you can find the best prices. Like anything else, we have the option to shop around for the prices that best fit our needs.

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