New Year, New Hearing Aids?
My Story: The beginning of a new year allows us the
opportunity to make New Year resolutions. We often find ourselves writing down
everything we want to accomplish or wish to achieve during the year. I have
always been the type of person to write down the traditional goals like lose
weight, eat healthier and save money. However, this year I have added new
hearing aids onto my list. As some may know, hearing aids are not cheap, and
insurance is not very helpful these days.
Though, if you are like me and you need hearing aids to function daily,
you will find a way to make it happen. Hearing aids traditionally last about
seven to eight years depending on the type of care that they receive. I am
beginning my sixth year of wearing the hearing aids that I currently have, and
I am slowly noticing that small things are breaking. The hearing aid in my
right ear needs to have a few different parts replaced but I have been trying
to stick it out for as long as I can. Sending my hearing aids off to be
replaced has always been stressful because it requires me to go a couple of
weeks without hearing like I am used to. Ever since I was kid, I would
absolutely dread sending my hearing aids off to the manufacturers to be fixed
because I no longer had the ability to feel confident in my hearing
capabilities. I am at the point where I either send my current hearing aids to
be fixed or I purchase new ones. The price point between the two options are
not much different so I am currently weighing my options. I have begun my
research to determine what type of hearing aids I am interested in, but I am
finding myself comfortable with what I have. Technology is improving so rapidly
that I forget that my hearings are considered outdated. It is amazing what
technology can do these days, but I do wish there were more options for someone
who didn’t grow up with high-technological hearing aids. Maybe it is finally
time for me branch out and see what new hearing aid options are out there, but
I am hopeful that this will be a great year for me to continue learning more
about my own hearing loss. This journey has allowed me to see passed what I am
used to, and I am very excited to see what 2022 has to offer! Hopefully, you
are too!
Here's a Little Help: If you are the type of person who participates in New Year resolutions, I encourage you to think about that one thing you have been putting off and go for it! Whether you want to make a big purchase, accept the new job, or move across the country, I encourage you to do it this year! If you are looking for a sign that pushes you to take that step forward, this is your sign! If it helped me, maybe it will help you!