Comprehension Issues

My Story:
 Most people are unaware of the secondary issues that often come with hearing loss. At a very young age, my parents realized that I was struggling to read and comprehend information. I was having issues understanding what I was reading and found myself re-reading a lot of books, homework and simple school reading assignments. As an adult, it is hard for me to realize that I still have a lot of work to do; but I continue to work on it every day. Comprehension issues often appear during a school Individualized Education Plan (IEP) test. This is when the school runs a basic test on the student to determine the additional needs, attention or education that might accompany the traditional way of learning. Education is such a valuable thing, and I had an IEP test done yearly until I went off to college. In my case, teachers were extremely attentive to my additional needs which included more time to read stories, longer time on tests, supplementary opportunities to review homework and assignments, and one-on-one time with a hearing specialist. My parents made sure that I received the best education possible and that included working day-in and day-out on the little things. Today, I still very much struggle with this. If I read a book or journal, I usually need to re-read it multiple times so I can grasp the meaning behind what i read. While reading is still a struggle for me, I have advanced in writing. I communicate for a living and write daily, but I am trying to perfect my skills by writing these blogs for you. This is my way of continuing to get better at the things that do not come easy for me. I am often surprised that I am a decent writer with the hearing loss and comprehension issues I have, but it just shows that you can do anything you put your mind to!
Here’s a Little Help: If you are a young child or have a child who is struggling to comprehend while reading, please know that you are not alone. I realize this can be embarrassing at times and you feel “different,” but I promise a comprehension issue is very common. My suggestion would be to contact your school or county, and ask for an IEP. This will help tremendously in school and in your personal life. If it helped me, maybe it will help you!

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