Strobe Light Smoke Detector

 My Story: This is something I never truly thought about until I was living alone in an apartment. Smoke detectors are standard with a sound device, but normal detectors don’t offer anything for the hard of hearing community. Sure, they are loud and get your attention but when you don’t have a hearing aid in, how would you hear that alarm? When I moved into my first apartment, I needed additional devices to help me should someone knock on my door, break in, or if the building smoke alarm went off. It is amazing the different types of devices that are out there! I found a smoke detector that was wire-free and easy to mount anywhere. It also has a strobe light that flashes when the smoke detector goes off. So, I placed this right above my apartment bedroom door where it could easily wake me up when I was sleeping. I am sure I am not alone, but I’ve always had a fear of sleeping and not hearing a smoke alarm going off… maybe I watch too many scary movies! I also realized over time that I easily wake up to light rather than noises. This device not only eased my fears, but it also helped me feel prepared to react if I needed to. Today, I use the same exact smoke alarm in my house, and it is mounted on the wall next to my side of the bed. My alarm has lasted me three years now and I have never needed to replace it! You change the batteries just as you would any other smoke detector. This alarm even sounds off just like normal smoke alarms to alert you that the batteries need to be changed. Overall, this is an awesome device to have in your home, regardless of if you have hearing loss or not, because there are benefits for everyone. Why wouldn’t you want a strobe light to go along with the alarm sounding off? I mean… the more ways to alert someone, the better right?

Here’s a Little Help: I truly believe a lot of devices and tricks I have found could be helpful for anyone! If you don’t already have some type of strobe light smoke detector, I highly recommend getting one. Click here to see exactly what I use! You may also view the photo of what I have in my home bedroom. I know as someone who owns a home, I would much rather have additional safety measures to alert me when something happens than not be prepared with necessary devices. If it helped me, maybe it will help you!

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